The Wayback Machine – https://web.archive.org/web/20210410223313/https://gta-best.com/novosti/gta-v-stala-odnoj-iz-samykh-populyarnykh-kompyuternykh-igr-v-istorii

GTA V has become one of the most popular computer games in history

The computer game Grand Theft Auto, better known as GTA, has become one of the most popular computer games in the history of existence. The game appeared in 2013, and since then the number of sales has amounted to 85 million copies. In the last financial quarter alone, the number of copies sold by Take-Two studio was 10 million. For a game released 4 years ago, this figure is impressive. Of course, the largest number of copies sold is due to GTA Online. According to Take-Two, sales of DLC and micro-transactions accounted for half of the company’s revenue in the past quarter. Revenue amounted to $443.6 million. In addition to GTA V, the main income came from XCOM 2, NBA 2K17 and WWE. The company’s management noted that every year in-game sales from GTA Online are only increasing. In terms of the number of copies sold, only Minecraft with sales of more than 112 million copies and Tetris (about 500 million copies sold) are higher than GTA V. To appreciate all the advantages of this famous game, which has gained popularity among seven gamers from all over the world, it is enough download GTA V free via torrent. You will definitely be guaranteed several hours of pleasant pastime. tropical-landscape-with-car-with-luggage-sunset The most popular computer games in history

The most popular computer games in history

GTA V has solidified its place as one of the most popular computer games in history. With its expansive open world, compelling storyline, and immersive gameplay mechanics, the game has captivated players worldwide since its release. Its dynamic characters, detailed environments, and diverse missions offer endless opportunities for exploration and excitement. Moreover, the addition of GTA Online has further extended the game’s longevity, providing players with a vast multiplayer experience that continues to evolve with regular updates and new content. As a result, GTA V remains a beloved and enduring title in the gaming community, earning its status as a modern classic.